Dry products

Chemicals are not limited to a liquid form - for the absorption of acids, bases or solvents, dry or powdered products are characterized by their absorption capacities.

They are often used for cleaning, or for use in laboratories. However, they can become airborne orsprayed on clothing, surfaces, etc. following weighing or mixing operations. This is why, even when solid, chemicals must be manipulated with great care.

Here at ZK, we offer value-added dry products servicing to fulfill all your needs. Because safety is crucial, we'll be happy to help you with storage requirements and conditions of use.


Safety & Environment

Safety is the top priority of all our operations. Products are delivered to your premises fully safety-proofed, with upmost environment care.

Product Qualification

Our skills enable us to help you in finding the right product fit to your requirements, and qualify them for you.

On-site use tests and trials on request!



ZK staff is fully available to understand your current requirements and expectations, as well as your future needs.


Thanks to optimized pick-up and delivery times, ZK is able to meet your needs in the shortest possible time.